The past always has its way of creeping back to our present. Try as we might, we find it difficult to cut the past off and commence life in the present. I guess a part of us is left behind in the past and it just refuses to let go… It clings on to the past, making it difficult to adapt to the present. I guess thats how most of us are, we crib about the present, glorify the past and fear the future…
I think at some level, the past never ends… it just continues in a parallel space-time continuum… its stays exactly where and how you left it… And when past and your present intersect, the past takes over… It is as if the present never existed… It appears as though there never was a break…
This failure to give up the past and this itch to continue to live in the past and let go probably manifests in our behavior… I guess that is what people mean when they talk of baggage… Our experiences shape our views and we continue to cling desperately to those views even if the evidence overwhelmingly points towards something else… I guess we end up stepping on other people's toes… We forget that time changes everything, even though outwardly everything remains the same… What you felt was right at one point of time, need not necessarily be agreeable to someone else at the same place… And probably, it isn't even your place to say it… But you can't hold back now, Can you?
We must leave behind the people, the place, the setting and everything else…They are all ephemeral... The only thing we must carry and cherish are the memories…