Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Jyoti Basu's death is certainly going to be a set back to the Commies in India... After all, Jyoti Basu was a phenomenal leader from a Party which in its 80 years of history in India, and which, in spite of all the bassistance and sympathy from hundreds of Commie Sister Organizations has just managed to hold on to power in 2 states in India. Had it been any other country, the Communists would have surely managed to usurp power, but that just didn't happen in this case.
Before you get the idea that I am another of those neo-capitalist Commie bashers, Let me clarify that I am not one of them... I happen to harbour deep sympathies with the Global Communist movement and I am genuinely pained by the fact that Pseudo-Capitalist nations such as China are nowadays considered as the torchbearers of Communism..

Karl Marx' s communism truly arrived on the world stage with the usurpation of power by the Bolsheviks in Russia and the consequent birth of USSR. And there can be no doubt about it, the Communist philosophy does have its heart at the right place. From each according to his ability to each according to his needs, it was declared... And since Communists were a horrendously despised breed in the 19th-20th cent. Europe, it meant that any chance of having a Socialist/Communist Utopia would remain a dream as long as Communists stood in isolation from each other.
Nationalism was the biggest enemy of the Communists...And invariably, like most Occidentalists (if that is even a word), they despised heterogeneity. Differences in language, race, religion were abhorrent to the Communists... The only division that mattered, was the difference between the Rich & the Poor... The Rich were always to be lampooned as the dogs of imperialism while the Poor, irrespective of the facts were the soldiers of Communism.
Unfortunatley for the Communists, what is most appealing to human intellect is pecuniary distinction.... A Rich will never want to be impoverished and a Poor man would always want to become Rich.... So, as far as the Communist movement was concerned, its mandate was clearly laid out.... All it had to do, was to ensure that everyone was made rich ( or equally poor) and at the same time alter the human intellect to ensure that any need for monetary distinction was erased... And That is not all, man, by design, dislikes authority... Every man wants to be a Napoleon, and despises being told what to do... Sadly, that is precisely what a Communist State entailed... Complete and Unopposed servility & loyalty to the ideology. As awful as it sounds, within the ideology of Communism, lay the seeds of its destruction...
Noone in the 60s could have imagined the implosion of the Soviet Union, lesser still of Yugoslavia... Everyone was confident that a Soviet controlled Afghanistan would overrun Pakistan... But that sadly was not meant to be... So the rump of Communist global polity that is still surviving includes such awe-inspiring examples as North Korea, Cuba & Pseudo-Communist China & Vietnam. Add to it the glorious Indian Communist Party...If nothing, it has at least managed to hold the record of the longest serving democratically elected government in West Bengal.


Rohit said...

I am so proud and at the same time jealous of your command over history :P

Loved the article!!

Keep writing!

Aashay said...
