Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Of Macs!

Almost six months ago, when I purchased my macbook, I became a part of a very exclusive and very elite clique of people in Peninsular Park, who owned an Apple Laptop. How I loved to show it around, only I know... I wouldn't ridicule the laptops/dabbas of other people because of my 'empathic' attitude, but whenever their computers 'hanged', I would struggle to suppress my chuckle...

Oh, those were the days!!! I would, without it being very obvious to others, ensure that only my fingers caressed my mac... I would clean it with aftershave every other day and then wipe it for 10 mins, till the glowing white became a glistening 'Colgate White'... I would show off the coolest apps on Mac, including iphoto, which can distort photos and make them funny... imovie, which is super awesome for editing movies and Keynote, which is like MS powerpoint, only 100000 times cooler to all those gathered around me, even if they got sick of it!!!

As of today, I can only stifle a painful sigh when someone asks me what laptop do I own... My purchase of Macbook has been followed by an avalanche of Apple laptop purchases inside the Peninsular Park... I am convinced that the Peninsular Park has the higher per capita ownership of Apple books in all of India... possibly, even in all small towns of the world... My Macbook has been 'outshined' by 2 Macbook pros, with their backlit keyboards and super light weight, and will soon be 'outdazzled' by an ultra thin, super cool Macbook Air...

I know my Macbook (Its called El Mac by the way!) feels jealous to see itself awed by its more expensive and high society cousins... I can feel its pain and anguish to see its former phenomenal charm being now compared to the breathtaking qualities of a Macbook pro and the astounding features of a Macbook air and it being branded as the 'Low-End Apple Laptop', but there is hardly anything I can do to console it... Twice a day, before going to office and when I return for lunch, I give it all the attention that I can (ofcourse, post-dinner time is exclusively El-Mac time!) but then there is just nothing that you can do make a Macbook feel better than a Macbook-pro/Air! Hence, this shameful and pathetic attempt at professing my love for El-Mac through this blog!!!

I LOVE YOU El Mac!!!!

1 comment:

Pari said...

like like .......:)