Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tales from the Crypt I - The Boss

It is an event as rare as the blue moon

I fear to talk about it lest I jinx it so soon
Ah! for days on end I have waited for this
The boss is on a leave, & life is suddenly a bliss...

For hours today, I have played the part of a judge
Hearing the case of butt Vs chair cushion, the day is spent as such
After hearing carefully, the opinions of the warring sides (i.e. the butt & the cushion)
I conclude that it is best that the two unite...

But the boss, alas, he always chooses to differ
He believes that the two should be kept away from each other
Hence, I have been reduced to, in the last few days
To the status of a nomad, wandering from place to place...

The boss loves to drop in every now and then
To remind us that that there have been better men
who've dazzled him with their work and devotion
And that my intelligence is just a false notion...

And then there are the dreaded reviews
And my responses to his questions always end up melting his fuse
He is torn apart whether to laugh or to cry
I am sure, he'll put all this in the appraisal on the sly...

He wonders aloud how the future will be
When nincompoops like me start running companies
Ultimately, he gives up and says
Get lost and don't show me your face...


Nefertiti said...
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Nefertiti said...

i so so identify wid the post... sigh!!!

devdutt said...

Really hilarious and apt for me as well :))