Friday, February 5, 2010

Musically Yours!

I have lately been trying my hands at the synthesizer...I had learnt to play the Casio in School during "Music Class", but I wasn't too good at it... So, I was packed off to post-school music tuitions to ensure that I do not get a "B" in the same... My mediocre talents in music were evident everywhere... In School, I'd be made to sit in one corner of the class, away from all the "good" students, who invariably happened to be Duds when it came to studies... In the tuition class, my tutor would break his head over my voice, which had chosen to "break itself" (if that is the right expression) at that very moment... Almost 6 months of coaching later, I could play all the ragas effectively and some old classic songs that I hadn't heard ever, but which would regale the senior members of my family...But then tragedy stuck and I lost the notebook that contained all the notations and songs... Without the notebook, I was as good at playing the casio as a blind man is crossing the street... Gradually, my memory faded and the only song I can play successfully till date is Kuhu Kuhu Bole Koyaliya...!! And played it I did, Ad nauseum... Till the point that people started physically preventing me from displaying my talents... Over a period of time, the casio was confined to a corner and it stayed there for years and years...

And then, a wondrous thing happened... I got positioned in Monghyr!...The ultra-happening life in munger meant that there was usually nothing to do... Add to it the advice of scores of people... Monghyr is perfect if you want to develop your personality etc. etc... So the Casio was revived from almost certain annihilation... And currently, I do, every now and then, try and break my head over it... trying to hunt down musical notations from the internet, convert them into a system of notations that I can understand and finally play it on the keyboard...

My sole success so far has been "Ae maalik tere bande hum"... earning much ire from those who are subjected to this torture... God willing, I shall use my enormous talents in this field to inflict even more  torment and agony on innocent souls...

Agey agey dekhte hain hota hai kya!


Pari said...

Thank god you did not use this talent in college .... :)
i am sure the college crowd would not be as understanding as your neighbours in munger ...... God bless them !!!

rj said...
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