Monday, October 24, 2011

Incoherent ramblings!

I do miss the past... Like an old man reminiscing about the good times gone by... I brood over it.. laugh about it and talk about it... But do I want to go back into the past? Definitely not... One thing that I've understood is that past always has an exotic appeal to it... It is always the good old times... Things were always better than they would be and yet we keep running... chasing that elusive dream... Probably when you're 90, you'd realize that the dream was probably like the horizon, you keep getting the feeling that you're nearing it but the powers that be have different plans...

So why dream? Why run? Why pass life by in haste? Earlier it was studies.. 90% in Xth and your future is set... 90% in XIIth and thats all that matters... Then JEE...Then Engineering... Then Campus...Then CAT.. Then MBA...Then PPO... Then Final placements... All these things were supposed to make you the master of the world, weren't they? Now think about how many of the above you cleared... Has it made any difference? Would you have been happier if you could have said YES to all of the above? I am not sure... Ask the IIT-B grad who did his MBA from Harvard and has his dream job in hand how he feels? Does a couple of lakhs extra here and there matter to him? Or does he miss not being home at Diwali? Does he miss his old pals who he left behind?

I guess it isn't meant for a man to ever be happy or satisfied...You keep running from one milestone to the next... Conquering newer heights... Becoming more and more successful... and yet there will always be that one thing that you wanted and you could never have...

Anyways... Enough with the incoherent rambling... All I know is if it is destined to happen, it will happen and I will do all that is needed to make it happen!

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